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Intellilink by Autogrow

Intellilink by Autogrow

Regular price $300.00 SGD
Regular price Sale price $300.00 SGD
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The IntelliLink provides internet connectivity to Autogrow Intelli devices, including IntelliGrow, IntelliDose and IntelliClimate. With IntelliLink, you can remotely access these systems without the need for a dedicated on-site computer.
he IntelliLink serves as a gateway to connect your IntelliDose or IntelliClimate devices to IntelliGrow software. It uses your existing network infrastructure and replaces the need to have a dedicated on-site computer, streamlining your overall grow operation.
By having all of your Autogrow Intelli devices connected via the internet, you can stay mobile and manage your farm variables remotely, including temperature, humidity, light, CO2 and many more key factors. Stay up-to-date with what’s going on with your crops and plants and ensure that they’re always getting the attention they deserve.
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